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Me, Say R, Syaz n B were invited to join an English camp on 13,14 n 15 th of Mac. It was fascinating and exciting as my first taught that this programmed may be stressed n boring. Yet, my perception was wrong. On the first day, Im quite tensed bcoz a lot of things need to pack up as i straightly went home after the camp is over.
So, my bag is like an elephant size.He... he.. a lil bit shy with people around me, but I don't mind. Ilya stayed with me on the same room as per room required two person. Personally the room was cosy and clean and i think it is worthwhile to pay such a big price.
So our first arranged programmed was ice breaking. After entered an air cond room, the teachers asked us to seat and they gave us a pic n mine is like a trapezium shape. The teacher asked us to figure out the picture as played a puzzle.
So i managed to find my partners, 8 people, that i am not familiar with. But nevermind, this is what ice breaking for. As for our team, we were a lil bit confuse to select out team's name as there r two names that were SWIFT n ADRENALINE.
It took quite a long time for us to pick which one is better and finally, before our brains started to explode a savior come....Miss Oja..She said ' What if you combined both the names?' Our faces immediately like a flower bloom. Therefore, officially our group's name was

That night, each group must presented their chant.
N my group's chant was

7 for English (of course)
We sure we can make it ( why not )
SWIFT ADRENALINE (that's our team)
We can make it
( theme song from baby dryper melody)

The next day, early in the morning, at 7.00 am Miss Oja taught us an exercise that give relaxing to our mind and the correct way of breathing. Eventhough it sound easy and not tough, but actually it really tough than my taekwondo practise!! Im admiring Miss Oja as she can do it very well..That's my teacher....!!
At 8.20 am we played some kind of business matter to test on our persuaded skill. On the afternoon, we had a wall climbing. It was really cracalacking as this was my first time. Im quite upset b coz a few of my friend cant climb due to the bad weather. After that we were assign to do a dance n our theme song for our team is We Rock ( A song from camp rock). And Alhamdulillah we selected to be the winner.
That night, each group need to form a short skecth promoting a product. My group come out with an idea that was" Magic Jacket". Actually, that night i felt so tired. I dont know why. But i tried my best to contribute my ideas to the group.

Finale day, we had a talk with Mr. Sobri n he taalked about Youth Council.Personally, I like his character. He such a zealous person and funny. Last event was giving prizes to winner. A lot of categories and prizes given away.

Reflection: I think this camp was memorable n a lot of things i get from this camp.iA.


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